It was sitting in my 'to read' queue, from back when I thought it was possible (and a good idea) to go through the entire humor and Scifi audiobook offerings in Overdrive. Yeah. Also, I was in the mood for humor, after officially running out of Sherlock Podfics (yeah, that's a thing now!)
I have zero interest in (having, teaching, librarian-ing, or otherwise interacting with) kids, but I like Gaffigan's stand-up, and comedy about kids can be pretty funny.
Where I got the book
Mild humor about the funny/annoying parts of parenting.
So how was it?
Pretty good! Not as good as his stand-up, but I suppressed a few chortles. The entire thing is about kids and parenthood, so no surprise there. He's got five kids (wow) and lives in a small New York apartment (...wow).
The target demographic is obviously parents -- down-to-earth parents, parents with several children, working parents, etc. But you don't need to be a parent (or even like kids) to get the humor.
Positive, down-to-earth. "Family friendly" in the sense that he doesn't swear, but also in the sense that he the kind of things labeled "family friendly."
Gaffigin is clearly a very involved father, and it's good to hear a man's voice/perspective on parenting. This kind of thing is important to breaking up traditional ideas of gender.
Least favorites
Eh, some parts can be a little fixated on gender roles -- not enforcing them, as such, but there's still an uncomfortable amount of "women are naturally mothering," and "men parent this way." But even so, most of what he says is specifically about him and his wife, and there's nothing wrong with choosing to fill a gender role; he just slips into traditional ideas of gender more than I'd like. It's more of a language issue than anything.
Writing style
Very similar to his stand-up, with great segue between individual stories.
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