Why I'm reading
It’s Neil Patrick Harris!
Actually, there is a “why I’m not reading” for this book, or at least a “why I’m listening to the audiobook instead.” I love the idea of a choose-your-own-adventure autobiography, but I always tried to read those wrong, with my fingers bookmarking each and every possible outcome. Plus, I’ve been listening to a lot of autobiographies recently, and for those a book just can’t beat an audiobook read by the author.
Where I got the book
Audiobook, Greenwich, etc. etc.
Fun showbiz stuff, Dougie Howser, sappy stuff about his husband.
So how was it?
It was pretty much exactly what I was expecting. Maybe even more what-I-expected than I was actually expecting (...?!). And of course, since it’s in the format of a choose-your-own-adventure book, it’s peppered with exaggerated fake endings.
I did notice that NPH stuck almost entirely to the positives in his life. I can hardly complain about it, because it was an artistic (and personal) choice that made the book a very fun read... and I'm not all that surprised, either. NPH has always struck me as the kind of person who has a very open and outgoing personality, but is pretty guarded about deeper feelings.
He also talks exactly the right amount about his kids -- you get a glimpse into a very important part of his life, but you don't feel like he just strapped you to the couch and pulled out twelve photo albums and a heap of parenting books.
NPH fans (of course) and basically anyone interested in celebrities.
Fun, lighthearted, honest, loving, hilarious.
Dougie Howser days, of course. I also like how he talked about figuring out his sexuality, but it wasn’t this whole big over dramatic thing… just something he slowly figured out. His stories about David Burtka were adorable.
Least favorites
I really wish he went into more detail about Hedwig (what can I say?) or mentioned John Cameron Mitchell. I’ve seen interviews where he clearly has interesting JCM stories.
Writing style
Awesome. Basically, Barney Stinson telling a really awesome story, except take away all the Barney craziness.