Friday, April 24, 2015

The Girl With All the Gifts // M.R. Carey

The Girl with All the Gifts.jpgI got a new phone! Woo! Not sure I’m in love with it, but it’s fast and not (quite as) glitchy.

Why I'm reading
I just installed the Overdrive app, because I want to start reading more ebooks on my phone, and -- hello -- libraries do that. Honestly the cover was okay and the summary wasn’t terrible, but mainly I just wanted to load a random book to make sure Overdrive worked.

Where I got the book
The Overdrive app.

None, except that the sample page seemed like an interesting take on zombies.

So how was it?

This went right onto my ‘favorites’ shelf on Goodreads.
“Every morning, Melanie waits in her cell to be collected for class. When they come for her, Sergeant Parks keeps his gun pointing at her while two of his people strap her into the wheelchair. She thinks they don't like her. She jokes that she won't bite, but they don't laugh.” 
I usually summarize a little bit, but I’m not sure exactly what to put without ruining some of the surprise. I can’t even really call it “surprise,” because that usually means sudden unexpected deaths and unpredictable plot twists. But The Girl With All the Gifts never really surprised me; instead there was a slow, building horror as we (and the girl) slowly piece together what’s going on, and come to terms with it.

Fans of zombie books, of course. But this will also appeal to people who like sci fi short stories. Maybe it’s because they require less investment, but short stories usually end up more experimental and interesting.

Confusion, horror, gentleness, and adrenaline.

The first chapter felt like the world was turning upside-down, but very slowly… like one of those turning tunnels in a funhouse.

Least favorites
None that I can think of. It’s not entirely free of tropes, but what is?

Writing style
Subtle, I guess? No punches were pulled with the horror and suspense, but they’re not overdone. It’s written in third person, but focuses on one character for several chapters at a time, so we get to understand all the characters.

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